Sunday, May 5, 2013

Credit Card Scam

I uncovered an awesome credit card scam that works like this: - get stolen credit card numbers - list expensive merchandise in a 3rd party online store - wait for an order to be placed - get payment from customer through PayPal - order merchandise from the manufacturer or another vendor using the stolen credit card info and have it shipped to the customer Voila! Except the IP address when placing the order nothing ties you directly back to the fraud. The customer is the only entity who can tie it all together. I was the customer and figured it all out. Unfortunately VISA doesn't care and refused to investigate!

Friday, February 15, 2013


Apparently AMG-SIU is suing HMS because the former owners think that they got ripped-off on the contingency based part of the acquisition. Karma is a bitch. By the way, I still own the intellectual property rights on many parts of the system that AMG-SIU sold to HMS and I haven't received a single cent.