Saturday, November 8, 2014

Deportation of 12 million illegal immigrants

Yes, we can deport the over 12 million illegal aliens within less than 180 days.
Here is how:

Day   0:
  • Take away all incentives including free healthcare (Medicaid, Medicare & Obamacare), education (including in-state tuition rates), food stamps and tax credits from people who cannot prove legal status.
  • Stop giving birthright citizenship to babies whose parents are not US citizens.
  • Discontinue giving driver’s licenses to non-permanent residents.
Day  30:  
  • Start fining employers who knowingly hire illegal alien $10,000 per person.
  • Require employers to verify the legal status of new hires through eVerify.
Day  60:  
  • Start fining landlords who knowingly rent to illegal aliens $10,000 per unit.
  • Begin paying whistleblowers 10% of collected fines.
Day  90:  
  • Start fining individual who knowingly hire illegal aliens $1,000 per incident.
  • Increase whistleblower reward to 20% of collected fines.
Day 120: 
  • Use applications from Dreamers to initiate deportations.
  • Rise whistleblower reward to 30% of collected fines.
Day 150: 
  • Start randomly verifying legal status at known gathering places of illegal aliens such as churches.
  • Enlarge whistleblower reward to 40% of collected fines.
Day 180: 
  • Expand whistleblower reward to 50% of collected fines.

Those measures will encourage illegal aliens to leave voluntary. If we take away their income and all handouts the majority will have no reason to stay in the US.
 It should be possible to implement the majority of the items quickly since there are already laws in place that have been circumvented by Obama.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2013 event summary

2013 event summary:

       35 events
     692 hours
17,706 miles